Well Faith with Chris Teien
Pastor Chris Teien and guests share practical, Bible-based messages to equip and encourage people of all ages to connect to Christ the Rock and experience WELL Faith—Worshiping, Encouraging, Learning, and Loving. Here, you’ll find recent messages from Rockwell Church as well as timeless archives from Chris' many years of ministry. Be sure to check out each episode's show notes for additional information. We hope to see you soon at Rockwell Church 93 Midway Dr. Virginia, MN. Don’t forget to review and subscribe to the podcast—it’s a great way to help others discover these messages! Find out more at rockwell.church and christeien.com. Let us know how we can pray for you and how you found these messages helpful! #RockwellChurch218
Well Faith with Chris Teien
Transformation | Guest Trevor Rubenstein
A special time with Trevor Rubenstein from Chosen People Ministries, an evangelist with a powerful testimony. Originally from Virginia, Minnesota, Trevor was raised in a Conservative Jewish home, but later turned to atheism and struggled with depression and substance abuse. After an unexpected encounter with Jesus, his life was transformed, and he found a deep calling to share the message of hope and salvation. Trevor now dedicates his life to evangelism, especially reaching out to the Jewish community and those struggling with depression or addiction. He will challenge you to share your faith story and make a difference in the world.
A W.E.L.L. Faith includes Worshiping, Encouraging, Learning & Loving. Pastor Chris Teien invites you to Rockwell Church 10:15am Sundays 93 Midway Dr. Virginia, MN 55792. Audio Podcast: https://wellfaith.buzzsprout.com